What you wear for your session is a really important part of the overall look and feel of your images. I like to keep the focus on the subject – therefore, simple clothing choices are best for creating a timeless look.

Family shots work best when everyone is wearing colours that work well together. Avoid busy patterns or logos/words on tops that can be distracting. Jeans, dresses, chinos are classics and photograph well.

Accessories can be fun including bright coloured wellies when the weather calls for them! Don’t forget to make sure you all feel comfortable – we’ll be playing outside so might be climbing trees, paddling in a stream or sitting amongst a pile of leaves so you want to make sure you can move freely.

Newborns look great on a big bed with light bedding and lots of window light.

Please feel free to bring a much loved teddy or book along – it’s nice to tell your child’s story using these props.